發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-03-26 Work place courtesy (116) (2)
2007-03-24 宜辰,祝你幸福 My cousin's wedding (84) (0)
2007-03-19 義大利照片分享之一--梵諦岡(Vatican city)、羅馬 (Rome) (1196) (1)
2007-03-18 "The Partner" by John Grisham (213) (2)
2007-03-13 Pictures of South France (68) (5)
2007-03-13 我的好同事們 My dear colleagues (195) (0)
2007-03-13 剷雪者 Snow remover (70) (4)
2007-03-12 The right attitude in the workplace (264) (0)
2007-03-12 英文大退步 How to improve my English? (502) (0)
2007-03-11 Shopping at last (39) (1)
2007-03-10 克立瑪咖啡館 La Crema (85) (1)
2007-03-09 第一次坐高鐵 First Taiwan High Speed Rail experience (378) (3)
2007-03-05 三月天,離職狂潮 March--A good time to quit (514) (7)
2007-03-04 花香心理測驗 (47) (0)
2007-03-04 Gap (95) (1)
2007-03-03 馬賽港口(舊港) Vieux Port (250) (0)
2007-03-03 亞洲人看起來都一樣?All look the same?! (146) (4)
2007-03-02 法國特色 A distinguishing feature in France (94) (2)
2007-03-02 Gap的傳統食物--Tourtons (52) (0)
2007-03-01 山城 Hilltop village Gordes (62) (0)
2007-03-01 修道院與薰衣草田 Abbaye de Senanque with lavender (81) (1)
2007-03-01 African restaurant (25) (2)
2007-03-01 馬賽魚湯完成品 (47) (2)
2007-03-01 馬賽魚湯 (30) (1)
2007-03-01 馬賽魚湯(Bouillabaisse) (157) (0)