書中的男主角是一間小律師事務所的律師(what a surprise),由於對自己的生活現狀不滿意:對工作不滿意、事務所的其他合夥人想要把他趕走、老婆不斷cheating、小孩的爸爸不是他,這一切讓他急於想要逃離現在的生活,於是他花了很多時間計畫讓自己消失---終於,他策劃了一場假車禍,在大家都以為他死了的時候,真實的他卻以不同的身分,以不同的外表在不同的國家生活....
我不禁想著,雖然我還是不想改變我的真實身分,但是如果真的有這麼一個機會,可以讓自己從充滿無力感的生活中drift away,可以不用面對現實,不用改變現狀,到另一個沒有人認識我的地方,從新開始,隨心所欲做自己想做的事,該有多好。
Finally I finished reading this book. I bought this book from a Marseille local bookstore which sells English novels. It cost me 14 Euros, which is twice as much as the original price US$7.99 or the selling price in Taiwan (NT$285). What a rip-off!
Anyway, the main character in this book is a lawyer (what a surprise) working in a small firm in Mississippi. Because he didn't like his current life--He didn't like his job, the partners in his law firm planned to kick him out, his wife was cheating, and he was not the father of his child, he wanted badly to run away from his life. He spent a lot of time on planning how to vanish, and finally escaped from his current life by faking a car accident. While people thought he was dead, the real him is actually having another life in another country under a different identity.
Although it sounds absurd to me in the beginning when I read this story, somehow it starts to make more sense when the story comes to an end. I start to think wouldn't it be great if in reality there is a way for me to run away from my current life, then I would not have to deal with things that I don't like, and I could do whatever I want to do in a place where nobody knows me (although I still want to keep my real identity).
But it is really unlikely to happen. The main character stole 90 million dollars from his law firm, and that's why he can do whatever he wants and live the kind of life he wants. As for me? Of course I don't have 90 million dollars. So I guess the message from this story is that I should stop daydreaming and start to think of how to make big money:p
書中的男主角是一間小律師事務所的律師(what a surprise),由於對自己的生活現狀不滿意:對工作不滿意、事務所的其他合夥人想要把他趕走、老婆不斷cheating、小孩的爸爸不是他,這一切讓他急於想要逃離現在的生活,於是他花了很多時間計畫讓自己消失---終於,他策劃了一場假車禍,在大家都以為他死了的時候,真實的他卻以不同的身分,以不同的外表在不同的國家生活....
我不禁想著,雖然我還是不想改變我的真實身分,但是如果真的有這麼一個機會,可以讓自己從充滿無力感的生活中drift away,可以不用面對現實,不用改變現狀,到另一個沒有人認識我的地方,從新開始,隨心所欲做自己想做的事,該有多好。
Finally I finished reading this book. I bought this book from a Marseille local bookstore which sells English novels. It cost me 14 Euros, which is twice as much as the original price US$7.99 or the selling price in Taiwan (NT$285). What a rip-off!
Anyway, the main character in this book is a lawyer (what a surprise) working in a small firm in Mississippi. Because he didn't like his current life--He didn't like his job, the partners in his law firm planned to kick him out, his wife was cheating, and he was not the father of his child, he wanted badly to run away from his life. He spent a lot of time on planning how to vanish, and finally escaped from his current life by faking a car accident. While people thought he was dead, the real him is actually having another life in another country under a different identity.
Although it sounds absurd to me in the beginning when I read this story, somehow it starts to make more sense when the story comes to an end. I start to think wouldn't it be great if in reality there is a way for me to run away from my current life, then I would not have to deal with things that I don't like, and I could do whatever I want to do in a place where nobody knows me (although I still want to keep my real identity).
But it is really unlikely to happen. The main character stole 90 million dollars from his law firm, and that's why he can do whatever he wants and live the kind of life he wants. As for me? Of course I don't have 90 million dollars. So I guess the message from this story is that I should stop daydreaming and start to think of how to make big money:p