We heard that the city Gap is surrounded by Alps and is quite beautiful, so we drove there during lunch time. Since we didn't know where to go or what to do there, we stopped by the Information Office and figured that we can still get some useful information there.
Well, we forgot to take consideration of French's habit....the office is closed between 12pm-2pm. I am becoming very envious for their casual life in France....the working hour starts from not too early in the morning, close for 2 hours for lunch, and close again when it gets dark. Also, people get 6 weeks of paid vacation in a year (8 weeks in Netherlands). As for us Taiwanese, everyone is forced to be a workaholic. We don't get
ANY vacation during our first year in a new job, and only 7 days for the second year. I don't see we have more productivity under this policy, yet the quality of life keeps us from being as happy.
Anyway....enough for complaining about the job. We called a friend for restaurant suggestions, and he directed us to
this restaurant where it offers traditional food "tourtons".
The bad thing about travelling in a non-English speaking country is that, it is always hard to get what we want. Although we always bring a pocket English-French dictionary and a couple pages of French food vocabularies copied from a book, we usually don't know what we will get even if we already spent 10 minutes trying to look up every word from the dictionary. So I always get whatever it is listed for "menu" since it is a pre-fixed course normally comes with salad, main course and dessert, and is normally cheaper.
Since this restaurant only lists two "menu" without offering other choices, we both got the menu and that saved our work. Before long the waitress brought us a plate of salads, a plate of sliced ham, and two bowls of tons of fried square thing to the table. The fried square thing comes with two kinds: one stuffed with potatoes and the other with tuna.
At this time I am gladly satisfied with the food here, thinking that if their "appetiser" can be this good, the main course should be no worse than this....until I found out that those fried square thing is actually the main course "tourtons"....^^; I started to joke about that this restaurant shall only hire one chef, and this chef only needs to fry those tourtons everyday without doing anything else....