昨天去餐廳領了皮夾後,我和H (咦,怎麼又是這兩人?)跑去SOGO買過年新衣(只有我啦,H只是當陪客),以彌補我在法國沒有買新衣的遺憾。短短兩小時內,我就栽在MK,花了從尾牙抽來的$6600元禮券另外又倒貼$942大洋,買了一件七分袖嫩綠色針織長外套,一件藍灰色七分袖上衣,一件米白色鬱金香裙(今年流行的喔)。此外,店員還送了我一條很具流行感的項鍊,據說是只送給當日買滿$8000元的顧客。不管怎樣我還是非常滿足!

After picking up my wallet from the restaurant, H and I (again?) happily went to SOGO for shopping. Within 2 hours I spent all my $6600 gift certificate plus another $942 for one 3/4 sleeve light green long cotton jacket, one 3/4 sleeve iron gray long linen/cotton top with a wide waistband, and one ivory tulip skirt. The salesperson also gave me a trendy neckless for free which she claimed that the store only gives it to any customer who spends over $8000 in one day. Anyway it was such a great shopping!
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    想飛 I WANT TO FLY

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