I don't know why, but I have met a lot of people who are A-holes lately. Instead of yelling at them and telling them what their crimes are, I just keep silent and delete them from my contact list and swear to god that I will never answer or return their calls again.
Listed below are the crimes committed by those people, so then next time if you happen to meet someone like that, suggest you to run away immediately.
- Feb 29 Fri 2008 07:43
Careful, ladies! Keep away from those men!! (Part 1)
- Feb 27 Wed 2008 08:00
Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo.
Juno: I'm at suicide risk.
Leah: Juno?
Juno: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?
Leah: Only the one in my pants...
Juno: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.
Leah: Is this for real? Like, for real for real?
Juno: Unfortunately, yes.
Leah: Oh my GOD. Oh shit! Phuket, Thailand!
Juno: There we go. That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take.
Vanessa: So... How are we going to do this?
Juno: What do you mean? Don't I just have the thing? Squeeze it on out and hand it over?
Gerta: Mark and Vanessa are willing to negotiate an open adoption...
Mac: What do you mean?
Juno: Wait... No! I mean, can't we just, like, kick this old school? Like, I have the baby, put it in a basket and send it your way, like, Moses and the reeds?
Mark: Technically, that would be kicking it Old Testament.
Gerta: ...So, we all agree that a closed adoption is the best decision for all involved?
Juno: SSHHIT! YES! Close it up!
- Feb 20 Wed 2008 02:36
DC • DC (Part 2)--Dupont Circle
Dupont Memorial Fountain
Dupont Circle is a historic district, now is being used as a residential area, and the neighborhood is centered around the traffic circle. Not only is it home to many restaurants and shops, but it is also a gay/lesbian friendly area. The park in the center of the circle is a gathering place for many gay/lesbian parades and political rallies each year. Around the corner is the farmer's market, where many fresh dairy products and bread are sold here every morning. Along with the Massachusetts Avenue lies the Embassy Row, where you can find numerous embassies.
- Feb 18 Mon 2008 08:41
DC • DC (Part 1)
為了這個位於DC的document review的工作,我在上星期二晚上搭了夜車來DC,在隔天凌晨四點半check in旅館。早上interview完,在傍晚時確定這個工作即將於兩天後開工後,我火速在craigslist上找到了個交通方便又可以每個星期付房租的地方後,我就在DC住下來了。
- Feb 02 Sat 2008 10:45
New York Winter Restaurant+Jazz Night
It's good not to have to work during the NYC's winter restaurant week, and it is also good to have a friend who knows where to eat. This new friend that I've just met seems to know every restaurant in New York and can immediately analyze the goods and bads of each and every restaurant which we passed by. We ended up with having food at this restaurant:
Perry St
176 Perry Street, NY
This is one of the restaurants opened by Jean-George, one of the world's famous chefs. It is located in West Village and is rated one star from Michelin Guide. Though fancy and modern from the outside, the price isn't too crazy. It is said that Perry St serves "contemporary American food", but I still have trouble understanding what that means. Anyway this is really a nice experience. They have good cocktail too.
Here is what I had:
- Jan 21 Mon 2008 13:44
My job as a document reviewer (Part 3)
跟這一大群大陸人混久了之後,在說說笑笑間,也開始對對岸教育、社會、政治層面有更進一步的瞭解。來自大陸的小孩也許是受一胎化的影響,男生、女生從小的資源皆相同,沒有太重的男尊女卑觀念,也沒有台灣社會裡對女生的種種要求。我看到的大陸女生,個個都很放得開,想說什麼就說什麼,想做什麼就做什麼,相當自在。他們也沒有台灣以前所謂的打罵教育,爸爸媽媽或學校老師從來沒有打過小孩,每個父母都是孝子孝女。做我隔壁的Chen說,她每次回家,爸爸一定會把水果一片片切好餵到她嘴邊上。除此之外,每個大陸人都很有企圖心,心態上與台灣人差異很大,除了他們的大國心態以外,大陸高於11%的經際成長,也讓他們想要回國貢獻,讓中國成為世界第一強國。跟他們聊天之後,突然覺得他們open up a whole new world for me,眼前的世界忽然寬廣了起來。
- Jan 09 Wed 2008 23:41
My job as a document reviewer (Part 2)
- Jan 02 Wed 2008 08:36
My job as a document reviewer (Part 1)
- Dec 10 Mon 2007 02:05
As Good As It Gets
I would consider this movie as one of the best romantic comedy movies. Jack Nicholson is such a great actor.
Quotes from the movie "As Good As It Gets":
Melvin (played by Jack Nicholson as a cranky writer) said to Carol (played by Helen Hunt as a waitress): "I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth. I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, "Spence," and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that's all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you, and I watch them, wondering how they can watch you bring their food, and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive. And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me."
I think it somewhat reflects my inner desire of meeting someone who can understand and appreciate me. I am not greedy, just one person is enough.
- Dec 07 Fri 2007 01:52
Burger Joint, Time Warner Center and m&m's World
- Dec 05 Wed 2007 14:41
On second thought...
- Dec 04 Tue 2007 14:35
夠了吧?!不要太過分了! Bad luck! When is enough really enough?
- Nov 28 Wed 2007 03:31
無所事事的日子 I did nothing?!
我念法律,唸書的時候一直以為作為一個法律人很屌,因為正義的化身/西裝筆挺在法庭上辯護/社會階級高/薪水高等等原因。我立志要做個financial/transactional lawyer,因為接觸的客戶都是大公司,接觸的案子都是幾百萬元幾億元的case,賺的錢比較多。且因為是專業領域,入門比較難,講行話時更可以顯出我的地位。
- Nov 26 Mon 2007 11:32
Chikalicious--the dessert bar
Finally I had the chance to revisit one of my favorite dessert shops Chikalicious in Manhattan. The shop was closed on my last night before I flew back to Taiwan 2 years ago, and I had to go back to Taiwan with regret. So this place is definitely a must go for me.
Chikalicious is a small dessert bar which features a prix fixe 3 course dessert that comes with Amuse (similar to the appetizer in a formal meal, it is usually gelato), a choice of menu (the main dessert), and Petite Fours (the last dessert) for US$12. By sitting at the bar you can see how the dessert chefs prepare our dessert, and it is quite a performance. You won't be having the same thing because from time to time the chefs try to change the dessert menu, so it is also quite an adventure for you don't usually know what you will get. Expect to have a 30 min wait because the shop is really popular!
The Amuse: vanilla sorbet and pumpkin cubes
- Nov 26 Mon 2007 09:17
I am moving again
Since I will be paying two rents for my two apartments from Dec. 1-Dec. 20, I will be happy to let you stay in my apartment if any of you want to visit New York during this period.
- Nov 13 Tue 2007 08:18
- Nov 11 Sun 2007 23:41
Foliage trip--New Hope
New Hope到處都是canal。沿著canal散步做canal walk相當舒服
New Hope & Ivyland Railroad--New Hope有名的火車站
New Hope車站的蒸汽火車(像不像Polar Express?)
連接賓州New Hope及紐澤西州Lamberville的橋。橋下是Delaware River。
Washington Crossing State Park的美景(from New Jersey side)
1776年的聖誕節George Washington就是在這裡成功阻止英軍的攻勢
Washington Crossing State Park的美景(from Pennsylvania side)
- Nov 06 Tue 2007 00:42
New York • New York
- Oct 22 Mon 2007 05:30
- Sep 07 Fri 2007 22:20
Montreal及Quebec City三天三夜遊
Montreal(蒙特屢)及Quebec(魁北克)都是位於加拿大Quebec Province(魁北克省)的城市,由於這裡是加拿大法國移民最多的地方,所以城市裡有許多法國風味的建築。很多住在美國東北邊的老美或者是加拿大人如果有三四天的假期,而想感染一些歐洲氣息的話,魁北克是最好的選擇。
- Sep 07 Fri 2007 09:53
Something about Toronto
SINCE my cousin lives in the suburbs of Toronto and the nearest store is almost an hour of walking distance away, in order for me to go out and get some fresh air, I have to get up early and go out with my cousin when she drives to work, and to be picked up on her way back to the house. So here I was, wandering around in downtown Toronto on my own today for 9 hours before my cousin found me at the shopping mall.
- Aug 30 Thu 2007 07:58
Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
雖然說我一向討厭Las Vegas這種五光十色的城市,但因為這次我們的大峽谷行要從Las Vegas出發,因此我們也在Las Vegas待了兩個晚上。雖然對Las Vegas的整體印象還是沒有變,但卻也不再那麼排斥。Las Vegas依然是個過度人工化、俗氣的地方,晚上這裡到處都閃著ridiculous的霓虹燈,但我卻發現除了俗氣以外,在這裡也可以發現許多新鮮事。在Venetian裡面,遊客們不但可以一面在shopping area逛街,還可以一面看著運河在各精品店前流過,甚至還有gondola可以搭乘,讓我心理上部份滿足了上次丟了所有在威尼斯照的照片的遺憾。晚上,我們忙著趕場看各家飯店前的表演:Treasure Island上演的海盜船故事,Mirage前的火山爆發,還有Bellagio前的水舞。走進每一家飯店裡,第一眼看到的不是check in櫃台,而是一台台的吃角子老虎,還有穿得少少的waitress送上飲料給賭客,甚至在台上大跳鋼管舞。在Las Vegas的大部分飯店,除了提供賭場、shopping mall以及特別的秀以外,它們的buffet也很有名。來這裡,吃buffet最划算。以一個十幾塊美金的午晚餐來說,真的是比起外面大部分的餐廳便宜許多。我們住的飯店Golden Nugget還在遊泳池內加蓋一個20加侖的shark tank,裡面養了鯊魚等各式海洋生物。遊客可以從三層樓高的滑水道穿過shark tank裡面再滑出來!因此來到這裡的遊客說真的只要待在旅館裡,就已經可以享受到所有的設備了。
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 01:59
來去大峽谷 Trip to Grand Canyon National Park
(ATTENTION: since my friend has asked me to write my trip in a more professional way (like something you will see in a travel book), I am going to try to do it this way and put less of my opinion in it. I apologize if this article bores you.)
大峽谷的背景介紹 (A bit background about Grand Canyon National Park)
大峽谷國家公園位於美國亞利桑那(Arizona)州,為被科羅拉多河(Colorado River)切割的峽谷地形。大峽谷占地將近50萬公頃,但若以Colorado River河長來衡量的話,大峽谷長為277哩,寬為18哩。這樣講還是無法想像大峽谷究竟有多大,Let's put it this way,不管我們從哪個角度看大峽谷,都看不到大峽谷的邊際,這樣講應該比較能想像吧!大峽谷的深度因地區的不同而有些微差距,South Rim(南緣)的深度主要介於1524-1829公尺之間。North Rim(北緣)又比South Rim高上一些。雖然大峽谷分成North Rim跟South Rim,但大部分觀光客都去South Rim觀光。South Rim的天氣比較宜人,夏天氣溫約為攝氏10度到20度,冬天的溫度加上wind chill可到零下18度。雖然South Rim全年皆開放,但觀光的最佳季節為春天、夏天或秋天。到North Rim的某些路段在每年十月到五月時會關閉。
Colorado River and the Canyon
- Jul 22 Sun 2007 18:24
Harry Potter
What's more is that on July 21, Saturday, I received my Harry Potter book 7 before 10 in the morning. It is so great to be able to own it while I know that the world's gone crazy for people are lining up in front of the book store to get one copy of it. I feel I am so lucky. But it seems that I cannot stop people from gossiping about the story. Though I didn't intend to, I still learned the Harry Potter story accidentally while I was browsing the Sunday newspaper because someone has made a story summary and told the readers who died in the story and who marries who. And I am only on page 50. Damn!
- Jul 19 Thu 2007 09:49
Things to cheer me up
- Jun 28 Thu 2007 22:42
1. Turns 30
2. Work and study. However, work has been busy lately, and I feel tired after work most of the time and decide not to study for the bar....when the work is not so busy, I feel that I want to rest....
3. Have good food. Here are some of the recommendations:
- Jun 08 Fri 2007 22:48
- Jun 03 Sun 2007 23:45
難忘的亞都麗緻巴黎廳1930 (My birthday feast--Paris 1930)
我的麗緻精選套餐似乎有十幾道菜,光是甜點就上了三道(又加上生日蛋糕),每道菜都有很不錯的水準。尤其是開胃菜奶油龍蝦,雖然在美國常吃到龍蝦,不過這裡加上一點芥末醬的吃法真的很特別。小牛肉也很讚,以前吃到的小牛肉(veal)往往都有一股小牛的腥味,不過這裡吃到的只有美味。吃到一半鋼琴伴奏突然奏起生日快樂歌,侍者們圍繞著當日壽星高唱生日快樂,還好我們已經先跟餐廳打好招呼,才沒有讓low key的我當場覺得很尷尬。花大錢享受果然是很值得的,巴黎廳1930真的是special occasion適合約會的場所喔!
- May 29 Tue 2007 10:05
TW bar exam, the worst nightmare
To introduce the TW bar exam to my dear fellow, here are the test info:
Date: 8/24-26, 9:00-18:20
Subject: Civil Law, Chinese (if they change this subject to English, I may gain more points!), Constitution, Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Administration Law and Compulsory Execution Law, Business Law and International Private Law
1. 民法(包括民總、債總和債各、物權、親屬和繼承)
2. 國文 (包括作文和測驗)
3. 中華民國憲法
4. 刑事訴訟法
5. 民事訴訟法
6. 刑法(包括刑總、刑分)
7. 行政法(包括行政罰法、行政程序法、行政訴訟法、行政執行法、訴願法)
8. 強制執行法
9. 商事法(包括公司法、票據法、海商法、保險法)
I cannot believe that I have to face this nightmare after all these years. Any tips from the successful bar exam taker?
- May 26 Sat 2007 22:12
想飛的鋼琴少年 (Vitus)--值得看的電影