
Great composition, isn't it?
Except for me, all those colleagues have quit or are leaving.

This picture was directed by Jim. Debbie reluctantly did the pose.
Chaoling you have to stay here with me!

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With the Provence calendar hanging on my office wall, I feel lighter somehow.

Maybe I am just a "snow remover", a metaphor used in Murakami Haruki's novel "Dance, Dance, Dance", referring to the situation that we are hired to solve the problems for people. In that sense, it doesn't matter what job we do.

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Someone said to me after reading my blog that I write English in Chinese style. Apparently being back to Taiwan and exposed in a Chinese speaking environment have great impact on me. I've been reading English legal documents and John Grisham's novels, watching HBO and writing most articles in English but look how my English has become (probably doing a lot of translation job accelerates this situation). I even had difficulties to speak complete sentences and say the correct words when I first arrived in Marseille. Is there any other method I should try?! Maybe I should hire an English tutor to do the one-on-one learning.

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昨天去餐廳領了皮夾後,我和H (咦,怎麼又是這兩人?)跑去SOGO買過年新衣(只有我啦,H只是當陪客),以彌補我在法國沒有買新衣的遺憾。短短兩小時內,我就栽在MK,花了從尾牙抽來的$6600元禮券另外又倒貼$942大洋,買了一件七分袖嫩綠色針織長外套,一件藍灰色七分袖上衣,一件米白色鬱金香裙(今年流行的喔)。此外,店員還送了我一條很具流行感的項鍊,據說是只送給當日買滿$8000元的顧客。不管怎樣我還是非常滿足!

After picking up my wallet from the restaurant, H and I (again?) happily went to SOGO for shopping. Within 2 hours I spent all my $6600 gift certificate plus another $942 for one 3/4 sleeve light green long cotton jacket, one 3/4 sleeve iron gray long linen/cotton top with a wide waistband, and one ivory tulip skirt. The salesperson also gave me a trendy neckless for free which she claimed that the store only gives it to any customer who spends over $8000 in one day. Anyway it was such a great shopping!

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Yesterday after dinner at Giorgio Marseille French restaurant (hehe, I really miss Marseille), H and I went to La Crema coffee shop across the street from the restaurant.

We immediately picked the table next to the window which already has a big bear sitting at the corner. We felt much warmer with the big bear accompanying us in such a cold and raining winter night.

As we both felt satisfied with the cheesecakes and coffee, I found out that I left my wallet at the restaurant and the restaurant was closed (it was not the first time for me to leave my wallet in the restroom....), luckily we were the last customers and the restaurant owner had already saved the wallet for me.

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Since we had a meeting in Chang Hwa yesterday, our client bought us two Taiwan High-Speed Rail tickets from Taipei to Taichung. It has been at least 6 years since last time I took a train in Taiwan, so I was excitedly looking around at the High Speed Rail Taipei station as if I was travelling again.

The toilet there was made of glass windows and is very clean. Unlike the economic class of the airplane, there is a lot of space between seats. Even if the person in the front lies down, the person sitting in the back will still have enough space to stretch legs. Besides, the working staff on the train is cute and nice, much better than the stewardess.

We were all amazed that Thaichung train station is very modern and looks like a small international airport. The person who picked us up at the train station told us that even if the salary in Taichung is about half of that in Taipei, he still prefers to live in Taichung, for there is no place for him to spend money so he can save more, and the quality of life is better. Maybe I should consider to move there for jobs.

The speed of the train is so fast that it took us less than an hour to travel from Taichung to Taipei. I even didn't have time to take a nap! Technologies really make it more convenience.

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  • Mar 04 Sun 2007 00:42
  • Gap


Gap is the only city that I visited which doesn't belong to Provence. It is located in Hautes-Alps region, and so the whole city is surrounded by Alps. Gap's website called it "takes pride in its reputation as one of the sunniest regions in France", and that "fog is non-existant", but I guess that we were just not lucky enough to see the clear Alps, and during our whole trip the top of Alps was always covered by clouds.

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I was suprised to find out that I am the only few Asian in South France. When I shopped in Marseille, there were always people yelling "Kong-Ni-Chi-Wa" at me. I thought that in those people's small world they probably only know Japanese. Well, the funny thing is, my flight going back home was transferred in Seoul, so a lot of passengers on that plane were Korean. The stewardess spoke Korean to me. I chatted with a Korean woman in the back of the plane when I was waiting for the toilet. I asked if she could tell that I am not Korean, she said, "no, you have a Korean face". WOW. Now I am surprised.

So here is a test for all of you who think that you are good at distinguishing Chinese from Japanese or Korean: www.alllooksame.com

I got only 8 correct on that game. Shame on me. I missed several points when the people are actually Chinese!

Deborah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

I am talking about dog poop, contrary to the usual impression of the grace and elegance of France. Dog poop is literally everywhere. I was kept reminding of watching every step so I wouldn't step in it, although sometimes I wasn't lucky. There was one time when I was sitting on the bus, the driver waiting outside on the street for other passengers tried to kick away a piece of newspaper lying on the street but dog poop was found to be under the newspaper, and so he kicked right at the target. How hilarious. Maybe the French government should impose a fine for the dog owners to clean up after their dogs!

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We heard that the city Gap is surrounded by Alps and is quite beautiful, so we drove there during lunch time. Since we didn't know where to go or what to do there, we stopped by the Information Office and figured that we can still get some useful information there.

Well, we forgot to take consideration of French's habit....the office is closed between 12pm-2pm. I am becoming very envious for their casual life in France....the working hour starts from not too early in the morning, close for 2 hours for lunch, and close again when it gets dark. Also, people get 6 weeks of paid vacation in a year (8 weeks in Netherlands). As for us Taiwanese, everyone is forced to be a workaholic. We don't get ANY vacation during our first year in a new job, and only 7 days for the second year. I don't see we have more productivity under this policy, yet the quality of life keeps us from being as happy.

Anyway....enough for complaining about the job. We called a friend for restaurant suggestions, and he directed us to this restaurant where it offers traditional food "tourtons".

The bad thing about travelling in a non-English speaking country is that, it is always hard to get what we want. Although we always bring a pocket English-French dictionary and a couple pages of French food vocabularies copied from a book, we usually don't know what we will get even if we already spent 10 minutes trying to look up every word from the dictionary. So I always get whatever it is listed for "menu" since it is a pre-fixed course normally comes with salad, main course and dessert, and is normally cheaper.

Since this restaurant only lists two "menu" without offering other choices, we both got the menu and that saved our work. Before long the waitress brought us a plate of salads, a plate of sliced ham, and two bowls of tons of fried square thing to the table. The fried square thing comes with two kinds: one stuffed with potatoes and the other with tuna.

At this time I am gladly satisfied with the food here, thinking that if their "appetiser" can be this good, the main course should be no worse than this....until I found out that those fried square thing is actually the main course "tourtons"....^^; I started to joke about that this restaurant shall only hire one chef, and this chef only needs to fry those tourtons everyday without doing anything else....

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I think it is a must visit place without doubt....it is just like a place only exists in a fairy tale. Although I already saw the pictures of Gordes in the travel book, really being there and looking at its beauty is totally different---it is just too breathtaking!

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So I guess a lot of you have seen this background scenery from the travel book (both my Chinese and English travel book used this picture as the cover page). The building is Abbaye de Senanque, which is surrounded by lavender. Well, the picture I took is somewhat different....you don't see the beautiful purple color of lavender, because the lavender grows only in July and August. Just imagine that I am standing in front of a tranquil sea of beautiful purple lavender!

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I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but we found this restaurant from the travel book Routard. We ordered fish (the whole fish again, which surprised me a lot) with couscous and chicken with banana. The reason that I am writing this is, I think this restaurant offers really great food and the food is not expensive. The African restaurant owner was so excited that his restaurant is recommended by Routard, and he took our book and showed it around to his wife (the big chef) and other African customers and only returned it to us after 10 minutes. With food and drink only cost 25 Euro. And the fish was not fishy at all and tasted really like Taiwanese style. I was wondering if millions of years ago maybe China and Africa continents were connected. This is definitely a restaurant that I will recommend!

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So this is how you eat it....everything in the fish soup.
How did I like it? Well, if you must know, the first several bites were quite good. But then after the soup got cold, I started to feel a bit sick of it....imagine there were 4-5 different fish in it! And the whole thing tasted kind of fishy....I just ended up finishing all the bread! It was kind of fun to do some "work" on the bread and let it flow in the soup tho.

Deborah 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Voila! Here comes the Bouillabaisse. You will see 3 major plates on the table: one with the fish meat, one with fish soup, and one with bread and paste (don't know what that is). First of all, you should pick up a piece of garlic and rub on a piece of bread for several times, and put some paste on the bread, spread some cheese. Secondly, put the finished bread in the fish soup. Thirdly, you eat the bread with some fish meat.

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I've already read some articles written by an author who writes a lot about great food in France, and I've got the impression that Bouillabaisse is expensive and only few restaurants offer good Bouillabaisse. So basically we have to be really careful to pick a good restaurant. However, the good restaurant recommended by that author and most travel books is Miramar--whose Bouillabaisse costs 60 Euro a person, and you have to order two Bouillabaisse, which means if you want Bouillabaisse in Miramar, a minimum of 120 Euro is inevitable! Of course for someone who likes great food like me, I can never leave Marseille without having Bouillabaisse....So we picked restaurant Oscar, whose Bouillabaisse is only 30 Euro, and we don't need to order two of it. So here it was....the waiter brought a big dish with 4-5 fish (note: they come with the whole body!) and other kinds of seafood on it, and started to scrape the fish meat to another big plate....

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