(Disclaimer: 以下不保證文法正確,歡迎討論指教)
There are many symbols/symbolic issues in the movie (象徵意義)
I couldn't pick up the symbols in this movie before. (我以前不能理解這部電影隱含的意義)
I didn't like the act. (我不喜歡這人的演技)
This movie is a spoof. (這電影是個大爛片)
It was a watchable movie.(這部電影還ok)
This movie is timeless.(這部電影不管過了多少年仍然非常經典)
It was a low/short budget movie.(這部是低成本的電影)
The music is more intense.(音樂張力變大)
The plotline began to drag.(這部戲的情節開始拖)
The show is so funny that it's cracking me up.(這部戲實在太好笑了,我整個人笑翻掉)
She got a short scene in the movie.(她在這部戲裡出現了一下)
I flipped through the channels, but there wasn't much on.(我轉了很多台,不過沒有什麼電視節目可看)
The restaurant is very family oriented.(家庭式的餐廳)
The food is not up to my usual standard.(這裡的食物根本搆不上我的水準)
I am going to drink tea to flush it out. (我要喝茶把口中的味道沖散)
The food costs me an arm and a leg.(食物非常貴)
A: What type of women are you looking for? B: I don't have a type.(我沒有特別喜歡什麼樣類型的女生)
She is not a mail-ordered wife(她不是郵購來的妻子,意指訕笑別人不要肖想有這種完美的妻子啦)
That's a clear sign that she likes you.(這件事很明顯可以看出她喜歡你)
I don't like to be set up on a date.(我不想要別人介紹對象給我,只想要自己自然去認識)
We hung out as friends.(我們以朋友的形式交往)
He's got no game.(他不可能追成功的)
She is kind of fobby.(FOB:指某人是移民來美國的。這句話從美國人嘴裡說出來有輕蔑的意思)
That kind of turned me off.(因為她做了某事所以我對她失去興趣了)
Actions speak louder than what he says.(做的比說的重要)
Don't get your hopes up.(還是不要期待太高吧)
I am glad that things could end on a good note with her.(我很高興跟她之間可以和平結束)
There was something bothering me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.(有件事不太對勁,不過我還說不清是什麼事)
All you care about is your own success, and I always come second.(你最在乎你的工作,我在你心中只排名第二)
The sun is too strong. (太陽光很強烈)
Stand in the direct sun.(曝曬在陽光下)
Put on the higher sunblock cream. (塗防曬係數較高的防曬油)
Why don't you look in the mirror, you will see even less.(你為啥不自己照照鏡子,相信你看到的東西更糟)(這句話我實際拿出來用過,沒想到被我說的人一聽到竟然笑得很爽,因為高興我會反擊。真是太變態了)
You always do something without thinking twice.(你每次做事情前都不仔細想想)
You are quick to accuse me! (你會不會太快就指責我的不是啦)
You are falling on the wrong side of this argument.(關於這件事,你應該站在我這邊,贊同我的意見才對啊)
What goes around comes around=karma(當時你對別人做了什麼,現在輪到你的現世報啦)
This is above the roof.(某人的行為太超過了)
That was really low. (這人手段太卑鄙了)
Try to crawl before you walk or run.(試著先學會爬再飛)
Don't put it all on me.(不要整件事都怪在我頭上)
Don't push your luck.(我已經同意你某事了,你不要得寸進尺)
I'd say no on that. (對於那件事我不敢苟同,如果是我我一定會拒絕)
The deal fell through.(這個交易失敗了)
Now she backtracks her opinions.(她改變看法了)
I figure it was worth a try.(我想也許這值得試試看)
I am taking your side=I am on the side of you=I am on your side.(我支持你贊成你)
I don't take sides.(我是中立的)
It is not as near to make a favorable decision as I had initially hoped.(我現在還沒辦法做對你有利的決定)
I prefer to keep him in the dark.(我想最好還是不要讓他知道的好)
There are some truths in it.(即使我不想承認,但其實你說的沒有錯)
He already factored in the situation.(他已經把這個情況考慮進來了)
It's a catch 22 (situation).(這件事不管怎麼做總會有不好的結果出現。譬如:現在經濟不景氣,所以只能找到薪水很低的工作。可是如果不接受這個薪水低的工作的話就沒有錢,可是如果接受,薪水又太低,做的也不是本行的東西。So it is a catch 22.)
It's almost next to impossible.(這件事幾乎不可能)
I will pick up where you left off.(我會從你做完的部份接著做下去)
It's pretty cut and dry to me.(這件事對我來說非常清楚明瞭)
All the hard work is down the drain.(全部的辛苦都付諸流水了)
It comes with the territory.(做某些事有時也會伴隨著不好的事情發生。譬如:當畫家如果變得很有名的話,畫的價格就很高,會變得很有錢。但若沒有成名,生活會很窮。So it comes with the territory.)
Your guess is as good as mine.(對於這件事情我也不太清楚)
I would never have looked at it like that.(你說的很有道理。我從來沒有這樣想過呢)
We don't always see eye to eye on issues.(我們的意見時常不一致)
It is a good gig.(這是一個好的暫時性的工作)
He worked here and there, never for long in one town.(他在各個地方工作,但時間都不久)
I am showing the usual symptoms=I am feeling symptoms now.(我現在有普通感冒的徵兆)
The AC is too strong that I start to have a running nose(冷氣開太強,我開始流鼻水了)
Is it a sharp pain or dull pain? (你的牙痛是刺痛還是隱隱作痛?)
I just got off phone with somebody.(我才與某人掛掉電話)
I hit your number by accident.(我不小心按到你的號碼)
The call is breaking up. Can I call you right back?(電話的訊號斷斷續續。我可以等一下打給你嘛?)
I don't know how long I am gonna hold out. (我不知道還能撐多久)(這句話可以用在很累、很餓時)
I am going low budget now. (我現在開始要省錢)
Everyone is tightening the belts.(每個人都在縮衣節食)
I wasn't sure I had enough saved up.(我不確定我是否存了足夠的錢)
Looks like you are very environmental (看來你很環保)
He was a grade ahead of me.(他大我一屆)
He is only 1 year out of college.(他才畢業一年)
He just started his freshman year.(他才剛念大一)
You are in a better spirit today=You look cheery today(你今天看起來很開心)
I am in a lunch crunch.(我快餓扁了)
I was not tipsy.(我沒有醉)
You put me too high on a pedestal. (你把我想得太完美,我的道德尺度沒你想像的高)
I knew you'd come through for me. (我就知道你一定會幫我。Ex: I came through for my family 99% of the time. I only backed out once.)
I just went/walked pass it the other day.(我上次才經過那裡)
I don't hold any birthdays. (我從不過生日)
I have to cut my trip short.(我只好提早結束我的旅程)
She is giving me the scoop.(她有告訴我些小道消息)
My Japanese is seriously lacking.(我的日文很差)
I am 50-50 on going.(我50%會去)
"Thank you" doesn't even come close.(說聲謝謝你根本不足表達我心中的謝意)
I've never been near a gym.(我從來不上健身房)
I can see it coming out of your head in a thought bubble.(我可以看到你腦子裡的os)
It didn't click in my mind until....(我一直都沒有想到,直到....)
We are planning the trip and slightly winging it.(對於這個旅行,有一部份我們沒有計畫,打算見招拆招)
My parents are always on my back.(我父母一天到晚煩我)
I don't know how it is relevant, so I prefer to keep it private=None of your business的含蓄版本
She mixes in the right social circles.(她跟上流社會的人交往)
Last time I had it was forever time ago.(上次我做某事已經是好久以前了)
She went out of her way to help me.(即使很不方便也很不必要,她還是費心的幫我)
I can hear your music from my headphones.(即使我帶著耳機,我還是可以聽到你的音樂)
An open bar is not a draw for me.(無限供應酒對我的吸引力並不大)
I've in touch here and there.(我跟某些人還有些許的聯絡)
I don't even have the date and time in my head yet.(我還不知道聚會的時間和地點呢)
We are two people on an equal level.(我們是平等的)
There is not a good selection of stuff.(這裡的東西很少,沒什麼選擇)
It's two sizes too small.(這衣服的size比我的size還小上兩號)
Maybe I should get both, to be on the safe side.(為了保險起見,也許我應該兩個都買了)
You are comparing apples to oranges. (這兩個是不同的東西,根本無從比較呀)
The teacher is about to finish roll call.(老師的課堂點名快結束了)
It's too coincidental!=What are the odds.(真是太巧了)
save your face=avoid embarrassment(避免丟臉)
Is it a sleep-away? (這個旅行需要在外面過夜嘛?)
The machine is too flimsy.(這機器很不穩固)
It's old school.(很傳統)
Close out the window.(關掉電腦的視窗)
It's cold even by New York standard.(這天氣即使對紐約來說也算冷了)
It's history repeating itself.(同樣的錯誤又發生了)
Also see:
- Sep 24 Thu 2009 11:07
英文佳句--I need to brush up on my English!