目前分類:電影 (6)

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昨天看了電影The Namesake,整整兩天,電影裡的某些片斷一直在我腦中徘徊不去。這是講一個印度移民家庭在美國生根發展的故事。故事的背景發生在1970年代,印度爸爸Ashoke來到美國念PHD,透過家人的安排回到印度娶了Ashima,之後在美國麻州定居(第一代移民)。Ashoke和Ashima在美國定居後,生了兒子Gogol和女兒Sonali/Sonia。由於Gogol和Sonia是在美國土生土長的第二代移民,很自然地非常Americanized,看印度傳統非常不順眼。男主角Gogol畢業後來到紐約成為建築師,這又與Ashoke和Ashima擁有的安靜生活形成對比。然而故事劇情在Ashoke突然心臟病發去世後有了轉折,Gogol開始接受並回歸印度傳統。

電影裡有很多地方讓我很有感觸,不單是因為它討論了親子關係,更是因為它點到了這種在美國討生活但心裡覺得無依無憑的漂泊感。我彷彿看到了很多偉大的父母用盡各種手段在美國留下來,辛辛苦苦工作(不管是做engineer或投資Dunkin’ Donuts或其他非法打工),還一邊忍受著種族歧視的屈辱,就只是為了讓小孩子在好的環境成長。

除了印度與白人文化的對比外,電影裡的另一個對比是兩代人對愛情的態度。Ashoke與Ashima的婚姻是arranged marriage,兩人一在印度舉行完婚禮後就馬上回到美國。Ashima的娘家家境不錯,來到美國後開始縮衣節食過著窮留學生的生活,對Ashima來說,一邊不但要適應一個陌生的國度與陌生的老公,一邊還得寫家書安慰印度的父母自己在美國過得很好,心裡的不安與委屈可想而知。沒想到隨著情節的發展,可以發見Ashoke與Ashima之間漸漸培養出愛情,經過了二十幾年兩人之間仍然相親相愛,非常讓人羨慕。相較兩人涵蓄的感情,下一代的Gogol的戀愛是外放的(算一算Gogol處的世代跟我們的相同)。Gogol來到紐約工作後,把名字改成Nikhil–別人都稱呼他為Nick(為什麼明明是印度發音的名字一定要被用美式發音呢?),還交了白人女友Maxine。兩老雖然是傳統的第一代移民,但教養兩個小孩子的方式卻很美式–do as you wish,雖然不喜歡Gogol交的白人女友Maxine,但還是採取開放的態度。不過後來Maxine當然是跟Gogol的家庭格格不入。譬如Maxine來到Gogol家裡做客時直呼Ashoke和Ashima的名字;Ashoke心臟病發去世時,當來參加喪禮的印度人全體都穿著白色喪服時,只有Maxine一人穿著黑色喪服出現,並且還在進到室內脫下黑色外套後,露出裡面的細肩帶。在Gogol對於父親的驟然去世自責傷心時,Maxine雖然一邊安慰Gogol,但又告訴Gogol不需要一直陪在Ashima身邊,慫恿Gogol新年假期應該還是按照兩人原先的計畫出去玩時,就知道Gogol與Maxine是注定要分手了。其實我一直認為與不同種族的人交往沒有什麼對或錯,然而錯就錯在Maxine跟Gogol交往時,沒有很認真地對待“Gogol出生自印度家庭“的事,以致於來到Gogol家時因為careless做出種種不合宜的舉動,硬生生地讓這段原本美好的感情散了。Gogol和Maxine分手後,因緣際會遇到也是出生印度家庭的Moushumi,兩人進而結婚。Moushumi是個很有主見的人,兩人的婚姻最後卻因為Moushumi與前男友搞外遇而失敗。我覺得這樣的故事反而很真實,如果說劇情因為Gogol娶的是印度老婆,從此之後就過著幸福快樂的日子,可能就顯得過假。畢竟婚姻不是因為結婚的對象跟自己是同種族的人就會有好的結果呀。

貫穿劇情主軸的男主角Gogol從一開始青少年時期的叛逆、排斥傳統印度文化到最後慢慢回歸、接受自己文化,從Ashoke的葬禮及自己的婚禮都以傳統印度方式進行中,我們可以看到Gogol心中的轉折與變化。看完這部片後,我開始對走在路上的印度人或拉丁美洲人產生異樣的親切感。尤其是在紐約這樣一個多種族並存的城市,我相信只要是非主流的種族,多多少少都有一種一邊急於想要融入白人社會,一邊又有是否堅持或放棄自己文化的矛盾(這又讓我聯想到另一個講希臘移民家庭的故事的小說Middlesex,不過當然Middlesex的重點比較傾向於敘述為什麼做為第三代移民的主角會從一個女生轉變成男生的故事)。問我們這種二十幾歲才來到美國的人“where are you from“,不會有什麼問題。但是如果問的是小ABC,或者在美國出生長大的台灣人、印度人、拉丁美洲人,恐怕他們的回答不會這麼cut and dry。看看坐在旁邊在美國出生長大的韓國男生大衛,只有在很小的時候拜訪過韓國一次的他,有一天會不會也有這種回歸的想法,也是不得而知了。

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前幾天去看了一部電影『Juno』。Ellen Page飾演一個十六歲的高中女生Juno,在第一次與青梅竹馬的好朋友Bleeker初嚐禁果後懷孕,因為實在不想墮胎,最終自己決定把小孩生下來,在報紙分類廣告中找了一對想要小孩的完美夫妻Mark及Vanessa來認養她的小孩。這部片不但有美國年輕人的有趣對白,Ellen Page飾演的這個聰明、說話行為都很中性、行事怪異、大剌剌什麼都不怕、不怕旁人眼光的小女生真的演得相當棒。這個小女生完全不像我之前想像的未成年少女未婚懷孕時遮遮掩掩一副很想躲起來咬舌自盡的樣子,她反而像沒有未婚懷孕一樣,任憑肚子一天天大了起來,她還是一樣每天挺著肚子上學,去學校cafeteria吃東西,在田徑場上等Bleeker,完全無視他人議論紛紛的眼光。故事的劇情在最後Juno跟Mark因為談論喜歡的音樂和恐怖電影中產生好感,並且發現原來Mark是個只想追逐自己成為rock star夢想,其實不想要小孩,不願意對家庭負責任的大小孩,才忽然對人生中所謂永久的愛情產生質疑,並且發現原來她一直都喜歡青梅竹馬的Bleeker。這部片非常cute,連音樂都很cute。本片得到最佳original screenplay,不過很可惜演技精湛的Ellen Page沒有得到Oscar最佳女主角獎。


Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo.
Juno: I'm at suicide risk.
Leah: Juno?
Juno: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?
Leah: Only the one in my pants...
Juno: I'm pregnant.
Leah: What? Honest to blog?
Juno: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers.
Leah: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch?
Juno: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.
Leah: Is this for real? Like, for real for real?
Juno: Unfortunately, yes.
Leah: Oh my GOD. Oh shit! Phuket, Thailand!
Juno: There we go. That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take.


Vanessa: So... How are we going to do this?
Juno: What do you mean? Don't I just have the thing? Squeeze it on out and hand it over?
Gerta: Mark and Vanessa are willing to negotiate an open adoption...
Mac: What do you mean?
Juno: Wait... No! I mean, can't we just, like, kick this old school? Like, I have the baby, put it in a basket and send it your way, like, Moses and the reeds?
Mark: Technically, that would be kicking it Old Testament.
Gerta: ...So, we all agree that a closed adoption is the best decision for all involved?
Juno: SSHHIT! YES! Close it up!


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I would consider this movie as one of the best romantic comedy movies. Jack Nicholson is such a great actor.

Quotes from the movie "As Good As It Gets":
Melvin (played by Jack Nicholson as a cranky writer) said to Carol (played by Helen Hunt as a waitress): "I might be the only person on the face of the earth that knows you're the greatest woman on earth. I might be the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing that you do, and how you are with Spencer, "Spence," and in every single thought that you have, and how you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that's all about being straight and good. I think most people miss that about you, and I watch them, wondering how they can watch you bring their food, and clear their tables and never get that they just met the greatest woman alive. And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me."

I think it somewhat reflects my inner desire of meeting someone who can understand and appreciate me. I am not greedy, just one person is enough.

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So I went to watch Harry Potter 5. I always have the feeling that the movie is never as good as the novel, but I have to admit that this one is surprisingly better than I'd expected.

What's more is that on July 21, Saturday, I received my Harry Potter book 7 before 10 in the morning. It is so great to be able to own it while I know that the world's gone crazy for people are lining up in front of the book store to get one copy of it. I feel I am so lucky. But it seems that I cannot stop people from gossiping about the story. Though I didn't intend to, I still learned the Harry Potter story accidentally while I was browsing the Sunday newspaper because someone has made a story summary and told the readers who died in the story and who marries who. And I am only on page 50. Damn!

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Hugh Grant在這部片裡演一個80年代過氣歌手,為了想要翻身,只好找Drew Barrymore幫他作詞,趕在幾天之內共同創作了一首歌給年輕當紅女歌手, 希望在她的新專輯裡能被採用。雖然這部片裡男女主角的愛情並不深刻(也許愛情在本片中並不是重點),但是Hugh Grant在本片中穿著緊身褲扭屁股唱80年代的歌真的很好笑,而且重點是,Hugh Grant 與Drew Barrymore共同創作出來的"Way Back Into Love"實在非常好聽,衝著這一點就已經很值得看這部電影了。

Way Back Into Love (真的是Hugh Grant唱的喔)
--from Music and Lyrics soundtrack

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night

I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

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