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Thankfully my previous colleague has one additional ticket to Harry Potter movie 5 and has invited me to go (I almost forgot that big firms offer more benefits to their employees). So it will be great to watch this newly released Harry Potter movie 5 and receive newly published Harry Potter book 7 after a few days.

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  • Jun 28 Thu 2007 22:42
  • Update

Here are the update of what I've been doing lately:

1. Turns 30

2. Work and study. However, work has been busy lately, and I feel tired after work most of the time and decide not to study for the bar....when the work is not so busy, I feel that I want to rest....

3. Have good food. Here are some of the recommendations:

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I remember I had this odd feeling when I had my 20-year-old birthday, but I was still excited that I have finally become a grown-up.

And now, time flies, and I am about to leave my 20s and going on 30. I know some people may think that the 30-year-old birthday is nothing but one of the days in your life, but the truth is, I am scared. Although being 30 doesn't have such a legal meaning as of being 20, it sure has some sociological or biological meaning that matters more to me at this stage. I am terrified that everything in my life is still uncertain.

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Today I went to my cousin Vera's wedding banquet. Her wedding is quite a big event for our family, because Vera is the first one in our generation to get married.

Vera has been my dearest cousin since we were kids. Since my brother, Vera, Vera's brother Pocheng and me are about the same age, we used to hang out together during the summer and winter vacation. Although Vera and Pocheng moved to Canada for more than 10 years, I still feel special bound between us, and we always enjoy the time together.

I am happy to see that the couples are happy together, and that she finally meets her Mr. Right.

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昨天去餐廳領了皮夾後,我和H (咦,怎麼又是這兩人?)跑去SOGO買過年新衣(只有我啦,H只是當陪客),以彌補我在法國沒有買新衣的遺憾。短短兩小時內,我就栽在MK,花了從尾牙抽來的$6600元禮券另外又倒貼$942大洋,買了一件七分袖嫩綠色針織長外套,一件藍灰色七分袖上衣,一件米白色鬱金香裙(今年流行的喔)。此外,店員還送了我一條很具流行感的項鍊,據說是只送給當日買滿$8000元的顧客。不管怎樣我還是非常滿足!

After picking up my wallet from the restaurant, H and I (again?) happily went to SOGO for shopping. Within 2 hours I spent all my $6600 gift certificate plus another $942 for one 3/4 sleeve light green long cotton jacket, one 3/4 sleeve iron gray long linen/cotton top with a wide waistband, and one ivory tulip skirt. The salesperson also gave me a trendy neckless for free which she claimed that the store only gives it to any customer who spends over $8000 in one day. Anyway it was such a great shopping!

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Yesterday after dinner at Giorgio Marseille French restaurant (hehe, I really miss Marseille), H and I went to La Crema coffee shop across the street from the restaurant.

We immediately picked the table next to the window which already has a big bear sitting at the corner. We felt much warmer with the big bear accompanying us in such a cold and raining winter night.

As we both felt satisfied with the cheesecakes and coffee, I found out that I left my wallet at the restaurant and the restaurant was closed (it was not the first time for me to leave my wallet in the restroom....), luckily we were the last customers and the restaurant owner had already saved the wallet for me.

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Since we had a meeting in Chang Hwa yesterday, our client bought us two Taiwan High-Speed Rail tickets from Taipei to Taichung. It has been at least 6 years since last time I took a train in Taiwan, so I was excitedly looking around at the High Speed Rail Taipei station as if I was travelling again.

The toilet there was made of glass windows and is very clean. Unlike the economic class of the airplane, there is a lot of space between seats. Even if the person in the front lies down, the person sitting in the back will still have enough space to stretch legs. Besides, the working staff on the train is cute and nice, much better than the stewardess.

We were all amazed that Thaichung train station is very modern and looks like a small international airport. The person who picked us up at the train station told us that even if the salary in Taichung is about half of that in Taipei, he still prefers to live in Taichung, for there is no place for him to spend money so he can save more, and the quality of life is better. Maybe I should consider to move there for jobs.

The speed of the train is so fast that it took us less than an hour to travel from Taichung to Taipei. I even didn't have time to take a nap! Technologies really make it more convenience.

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